Pastor Who Prayed For Angels To Come Down In His Church Wants To Pray For The 24 Elders (See Photos)
Mar 25, 2020 4:53 AM
In a viral video that went around, he was heard telling his congregation that they should pray for all they wish for, because what they are seeing are angels and that their prayers will be taken up to heaven immediately.
However, he did some white Graphics on the screens that may have reflected in his church, with which he claimed the white objects are Angels sent from God to answer the congregants prayers. His congregants however believed him blindly that those obvious lights on the picture above are Angels.
As shown in the footage, the congregation were seen praying profusely until the white lights/objects appeared, authored by Prophet Bushiri.
Nevertheless, he took to his Twitter page on the 22nd of March 2020, to announce that this time he will pray for the 24 elders to come down. Many comments have hit on him with the phrase, 'Another Graphic Show.' Who knows the kind of spell he uses on his members to deceive them cheaply.
It could be recalled that the same prophet Boshiri had allegedly captured a face of a woman and her child on an Ipad spiritually by cunningly flipping on the IPad and deceiving his members that the faces were captured spiritually.
He has one of the biggest Auditorium in Africa. Many Nigerians do not believe in him, and have cursed him as they say he is joking with God.