“MY WIFE, THE ENEMY (written by an unknown person) I woke up from a very frightening dream of my wife pouring hot coals on my Bible. I am a pastor, the former General overseer of a blossoming ministry. My church was beginning to get noticed all around the country, you know that point, when it seem like you are the only one God was speaking to. That was the point I was when I began to have serious deep revelation about my wife. Just as I got to church that morning , highly disturbed, Sis Chrstiana, a very fervent member of our church who was gifted in visions and prophecy knocked at my door. “ Pastor, there has been underground murmuring in the church, a lot of people have been having terrible dreams about Mama, I shut most of them up, until I saw something very similar this morning” “ What did you see, sis Christiana?” I asked in fear “ I saw Mama, Your wife Sir, carrying a sledgehammer breaking down the building of the church, till the whole church collapsed” “ oh my God!, lord do...